
Getting Started Is Quick & Easy

DFY Websites

Did you know that most small businesses spend $1.5k per month just on integrations alone? What if I told you that $1k is all you need to purchase a Done-For-You (DFY) website?

Marketing Tools

For just $79 per month, you could have all of the state-of-the-art tools like automations, workflows, email marketing, cold outreach, embedded forms, calendar integrations, pipeline sales, snapshots, templates, e-Commerce, monetization, SMS, invoicing, analytics, and much more!

Schedule an Appointment

Get started by scheduling a meeting with one of our consultants or submit a ticket via Live Chat. We’re more than happy to help!

Chat with an Expert

Use our Live Chat widget to chat with an expert or schedule a meeting online.

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Choose a Schedule

Plan meetings on a recurring schedule to get the most out of your services.

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Select a Manager

With over 10 different managers to choose from, you won’t be disappointed!



Achieve Greatness!

Here’s what our customers have to say about the results they’ve achieved.

Read Testimonials


Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Here at DM Holdings Inc., we are dedicated to creating efficient solutions for small businesses and enterprise networks alike. If you’re a small business spending $1,500 per month on solutions that have to be “zapped” together, this is for you!

Likewise, if you’re an enterprise network who is tired of doing your design and development in-house, we have the perfect place for you to check out all of the different services that you can order.

We aim to replace some of the more complex and expensive solutions such as online marketplaces and hosting services with simple — easy-to-use — solutions that work out-of-the-box with little investment required to get started.

You don’t need to spend all of your time learning how everything works on the back end. Get started with DM Holdings today and simplify your workflow.

Let’s Work Together! 

Hire a professional to help you choose the right plan for your business model.

(770) 652-8889
