How to Make a vCard Link

How to Make a vCard Link

Have you ever had someone send you a link to add a Contact into your Address Book? That’s called a “vCard” or a Virtual Contact Card. What if I told you that you can use WordPress to create a link to download your contact information straight to your...
GA4 Conversion Tracking

GA4 Conversion Tracking

For the past 2 decades in the online advertising industry, a lot of business owners who have made offline sales would set their contact forms (or “lead forms”) as a Conversion in Google Analytics not knowing that they have to set a Conversion Value in...
What is Client Financed-Acquisition?

What is Client Financed-Acquisition?

What is Client Financed-Acquisition? 0 Comments Written by D. Moore Jr.  February 12, 2022  Client acquisition is currently one of the most expensive functions in a consulting firm. Traditional lead generation methods on the ground are still valid, but they are no...