Static IPs, Shared Hosting, and Cloudflare

Written by D. Moore Jr.

May 6, 2022

At DMH, we are unable to guarantee a Unique or Static IP on our Shared Hosting plans. Therefore, when you sign up for a hosting plan, if you select a Shared Hosting plan, you are uneligible for Managed Cloudflare on any of the sites that you place on your Shared Hosting plan. However, if you would like “Unmanage” Cloudflare (ie. protection without options) on your website while it’s on Shared Hosting, we are able to provide that through Managed Hosting. With Unmanaged Cloudflare, we are unable to change any of the settings or provide any sort of guarantee. It’s either on or it’s off.

In contrast, on a VPS Hosting or Dedicated Server plan, you are eligible for a static IP address, which allows you to use our Managed Cloudflare services. Cloudflare acts as your website’s cache — working to bring you the best performance and security available. Since your website(s’) users will be retreiving your website from Cloudflare’s DNS resolvers, and since your Origin Server (see above) is located at a single IP which doesn’t change, we are able to guarantee that your website will be cached accordingly, optimized, and served from the correct location.

Cloudflare acts as your website’s cache — working to bring you the best performance and security available. 

If you are on a Shared Hosting plan and you are managing your own Shared Hosting plan and you attempt to cache or proxy your website using Cloudflare, we cannot guarantee that your website will work the way you would expect it to. Further, if you are attempting to work on your website while your cache is enabled, you might run into some unexpected errors. If you are having problems with your DNS resolving, you can attempt to set your Cloudflare DNS records to DNS-only and if that doesn’t work, it’s most likely your IP. 



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